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EMDR Therapy: It works.

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing and EMDR Therapy; and, it works for a majority of my clients desperately looking to shift out of negative beliefs about themselves. Learn more about EMDR by clicking here. EMDR and Brainspotting by telehealth in Florida or telehealth in Virginia. Also offering therapy in Fort. Lauderdale, FL.…

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing and EMDR Therapy; and, it works for a majority of my clients desperately looking to shift out of negative beliefs about themselves. Learn more about EMDR by clicking here.

EMDR and Brainspotting by telehealth in Florida or telehealth in Virginia. Also offering therapy in Fort. Lauderdale, FL. Overcome self-esteem issues, depression, anxiety and other symptoms impacting your life.

If you are interested in beginning therapy, Jordan Nodelman is here for you. Providing EMDR, Brainspotting and other therapy services to clients in Florida and Virginia by tele-health, Jordan also sees clients in-person looking for a therapist in Broward County, FL. Jordan provides therapy for PTSD, therapy for high-achievers, EMDR for therapists, and is a therapist who takes medicare for EMDR and medicare EMDR in Florida. EMDR is also a great therapy for phase of life and EMDR for life changes.