Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy and EMDR

At Nodelman Counseling & Psychotherapy, Jordan specializes in providing individual counseling, psychotherapy, and EMDR. He is EMDR-Certified by EMDRIA, known worldwide for certifying EDMR clinicians to the highest standards.

Jordan uses a personalized approach to address each client’s unique needs and combines various tools to tailor your treatment plan, to assist you in reaching your goals. Using traditional psychotherapy and integrating the latest trends in brain-based therapies (Brainspotting, EMDR, EMDR 2.0, Flash Technique, Mindfulness, Ego-state, DMNS and more).

Whether you’re dealing with a phase-of-life issue, anxiety, mild depression or trauma-related issues, Jordan is here to support you. The practice is an accepting space for all, regardless of your life circumstances, background, ethnicity, gender or sexuality.