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How the Amygdala Hijacks the Body in Chronic Anxiety – and How EMDR Can Help Break the Cycle

Chronic anxiety can feel like being stuck in a never-ending loop of fear and tension. I see it when a client walks into office or logs into a virtual session. In an extreme state it is visible to onlookers. While the body’s stress response is meant to protect us from immediate danger, it can become…

Chronic anxiety can feel like being stuck in a never-ending loop of fear and tension. I see it when a client walks into office or logs into a virtual session. In an extreme state it is visible to onlookers. While the body’s stress response is meant to protect us from immediate danger, it can become maladaptive when activated too frequently. We are confronted with so many stressors in our daily lives and surrounded by systems that directly target our automatic responses (social media, texting, mobile phones, work, computers, breaking news, etc…). The culprit behind this overdrive? The amygdala—a small, almond-shaped structure in the brain responsible for detecting threats and initiating the body’s fight-or-flight response (or shut down or fawning). Let’s dive into how the amygdala hijacks the body during chronic anxiety, why this happens, and how EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) can provide a pathway to relief and healing. I’ve seen it work with many clients.

The Science of an Amygdala Hijack

When the amygdala senses a threat, whether real or perceived, it triggers an immediate cascade of physiological responses: a surge of adrenaline, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and heightened alertness. This is the body’s way of preparing to either fight or flee from danger. In short-term situations, this response can be life-saving. However, in individuals with chronic anxiety, the amygdala becomes hyperactive, frequently sounding false alarms and keeping the body in a state of high alert.

Mel Robbins, a renowned motivational speaker, and author, came out with a very approachable podcast recently about the topic. I love her no-nonsense, plain-English explanations of these very complex system. She explains this phenomenon as the brain’s “panic button” being stuck in the “on” position. In her book The 5 Second Rule, Robbins highlights how overthinking and self-doubt feed the amygdala’s alarm, making it harder to regain control. Research supports this, showing that chronic activation of the amygdala can lead to long-term changes in the brain’s neural pathways, making anxiety a self-perpetuating cycle.

The Role of EMDR in Rewiring the Brain

EMDR therapy has gained recognition as a powerful tool for breaking this cycle of chronic anxiety. Unlike traditional talk therapy, EMDR focuses on reprocessing distressing memories and reducing their emotional charge. By doing so, it helps calm the overactive amygdala and create new, adaptive neural pathways. Paired with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and/or Mindfulness Strategies, it is life changing.

A landmark study published in the Journal of EMDR Practice and Research (2014) found that EMDR significantly reduced symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder in participants. Researchers noted measurable changes in brain activity, particularly in regions associated with fear and emotional regulation, such as the amygdala and prefrontal cortex.

Through bilateral stimulation (such as eye movements, tapping, or auditory tones), EMDR helps clients access and reprocess traumatic or distressing memories stored in the brain’s emotional centers. This process reduces the intensity of these memories and allows the brain to integrate them in a more adaptive way. Over time, clients experience a significant decrease in anxiety symptoms and a restored sense of control over their lives.

Case Example: Breaking Free from Chronic Anxiety

Let’s take a closer look at how this works in practice. (The following is not a direct case but a summary of a conglomeration of cases, to remove any identifiers.) Consider “Emily,” a 40-year-old woman who sought therapy after years of struggling with chronic anxiety. Emily described feeling constantly on edge, plagued by intrusive thoughts, and physically exhausted from her body’s perpetual state of tension. She attributed much of her anxiety to a series of unresolved traumatic experiences from her adolescence.

In our work together, we began with EMDR therapy, targeting key memories that fueled her sense of danger and hypervigilance. Through the process, Emily reprocessed these memories, gaining insight into how they shaped her current patterns of anxiety. Over time, her amygdala’s hyperactivity diminished, allowing her to approach previously anxiety-inducing situations with calm and confidence. By the end of her treatment, Emily reported feeling free from the grip of her anxiety for the first time in decades. She was able to take actionable steps, apply Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) strategies, journaling and mindfulness in a way she never was when her amygdala was hijacking her.

A Path to Freedom

As an EMDR-Certified clinician and Consultant-in-Training with EMDRIA (I will be a full-fledged Consultant in early 2025), I have had the privilege of guiding many individuals like Emily through their journey to freedom from chronic anxiety, depression, PTSD, life-changes and more. EMDR offers a transformative approach that not only addresses the symptoms but also resolves the root causes of distress. By calming the amygdala and rewiring the brain, it empowers clients to break free from patterns that no longer serve them and start applying practical steps to living in a world where we are constantly bombarded by stress-inducing triggers.

If you’ve been struggling with issues that feel unmanageable, know that healing is possible. EMDR can help you reclaim your life and rediscover a sense of safety and peace. – Jordan Nodelman, MSW, LICSW, BCD


  1. Robbins, Mel. The 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage. Savio Republic, 2017.
  2. van der Kolk, Bessel. The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. Penguin Books, 2014.
  3. Shapiro, Francine. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy, Third Edition: Basic Principles, Protocols, and Procedures. The Guilford Press, 2018.
  4. Leeds, Andrew M. “A Guide to the Standard EMDR Therapy Protocols for Clinicians, Supervisors, and Consultants.” Springer Publishing Company, 2016.
  5. Maxfield, Louise, et al. “Effectiveness of EMDR Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Study.” Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, vol. 8, no. 2, 2014, pp. 59-72.